This is what I look like today:

So, living in suburbia has affected me. I've started to document all my meagre possessions. Maybe they will convince you to come up north and invest heavily in the thriving garage sale market. Some of these things are made my local artists:

This is a garage sale find that will increase my cookie herd. I'm hoping to breed the two togther and get a hybrid that will be viable in the northern climate.

Here's a sewing machine I bought for $10:

This is a real antique roadshow type find:

"Yes, I paid five dollars for this at a garage sale in, I think it was 2007. I found it here in the Yukon during my first year, so it has sentimental value."
"Really. Well this piece probably came up to the Yukon with a wealthy fortune hunter and was abandoned at the same time any hope of finding gold were. Even with the small rust stains on the pink leather purse (could they be blood stains gained in a gun fight?) is worth somewhere in the order of $220, 000 today."
"oh my..."
On to the artisans:

This was created by Karyn Armour, an up-and-coming jeweler.

This bowl is my home. I take it from house to house, and eat most of my meals out of it. It really is part of what keeps me feeling like I have something where I am staying. Of course, if it breaks I'm screwed, but isn't it lovely?

You can see the unglazed impression of a bird in the back. This artist, whose name eludes me at the moment (Karyn, help!?), has made a series of goblets in partnership with a local brewing company that are shipped out in gift crates. They are stunning, and are the same black slip & glaze combination with a colourful lip.
And this is by a new Whitehorsian, Claire Paradis.

It will become part of the permanent collection at 3B Drift Drive under the curatorship of Shani MacGregor.
Et voila c'est toute!
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