Sunday, August 12, 2007


See what I mean?

This is the street where I live:

This is my front "lawn":
and this is the back yard:
See, here in the Yukon, parents don't coddle their kids like they do down south. Scraped knees embedded with gravel build the kind of character needed to survive a real canadian winter. Hence the swingset of pain:

Now to further afield.

The neighbourhood:

Another exciting vista:

Two more recent additions:

The park:

But this is truly beautiful. A view of Grey Mountain from the edge of the suburb:
and this house is right there, with nothing between it and the view, for now at least. This is by far the handsomest house in the area:

So, that's the tour. Would you be my neighbour? I hope you will come and visit again soon.


Unknown said...

Yikes Claire. Absurbia indeed. I love your posts!

Karyn said...

Oh my, Claire! I was right to be a tad worried how you may spend your first day alone in your new neighbourhood!

(Oh yes...and the potter is Patrick Royale)