Ok, so I've been really busy finishing off my thesis and finding a job and all that, but today we (Karyn and I) took some time off to go to the drugstore and return a cracked watergarden pot, and Hey Presto! the Governor General was in town so we waited around for her to arrive with all the pomp and circumstance that Whitehorse could muster on a really beautiful afternoon. Unlike the truly dedicated, we didn't sit inside the auditorium for an hour or so to hear what she had to say. No, we more casual (some might unkindly say shallow) just waited curbside and watched. Security was very very lax; a pop can abandoned on the bus stop bench in front of the legislature buildings was
not safely detonated at a secure distance in case it was a bomb of some kind; amateur photographers such as myself were
not pushed back with billy clubs in our throats or pepper spray in our eyes; streetfolks were
not mysteriously disappeared in order to not "create a scene" (of reality). Yes, all in all it was completely civilized.
The GG, as she is affectionately known, inspected the Rangers, the old guard of the North who defend the land from those pesky invaders from Russia (...waitaminit, isn't Alaska to the immediate left of our cartographically represented territory?). Gracious as she was--bringing the G quotient up to triple-G--she talked with everyone, including the motley crew of cadets who were experiencing different stages of puberty, and probably the hooligan boy scout crew who disappeared en masse shortly before her arrival.
Ok, enough text. Bring on the pictures!

This is the Rangers, in formation for the GG's visit. She is standing off to the left behind the woman in a white shirt & body armour. Check it out.

Here you see the GG actually having a conversation with each of the Rangers. To the left in traditional blue blazer and grey flannels is my host Robin doing his part as official photographer for the territory (!). The GG is wearing a very stylish suit with a gorgeous scarf.

The GG talking to all the veterans. Apparently she took her time speaking with everyone all night long and was very gracious the entire evening.
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